Volume ІI(40), 2020, pp.66-71
1 Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, armands.celms@llu.lv;
2 Lviv Polytechnic National University
3 Riga Technical University
The paper describes the possibilities and results of the application of aerial photography and photogrammetry technologies in the Latvian state border maintenance processes (Ratkevics et al, 2017a) and the practice of using GIS technologies (McHaffie et al, 2018) in these works, to observe the obligations of international agreements. The monitoring of the state border of Latvia resulted in considerable practical and theoretical experience. Photogrammetric technologies, together with GIS capabilities, offer significant reductions in monitoring of the state border costs and time surveying control works (Ratkevics et al, 2017b). In Research are used advantage, which practiced in Latvia, if aerial photography is regularly organized. Describe possibilities of technologies of aerial photography – photogrammetric works for inspection and research works of terrain situation in the world are widely applied and developed already since the beginning of the previous century. These technologies at present in many cases (but not always) can replace also the classical geodetic and topographic surveying works, specially, when they shall be performed for considerable areas, this can be applied also to territories of state borders. As the tasks of monitoring of the state border of Latvia are prepared, photogrammetry specialists can from the existing photographs obtain information on technical condition of the borderline, border zone and elements of border fastening. By use of GIS technologies, the effectivity of these activities obtains additional possibilities for correct spatial documenting, measuring, mapping and also modelling of all above mentioned activities and allows performance of this all in short deadlines.
State Border; surveying; geodetic reference system; GNSS; aerofoto.
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