Innovations in geodesic-cartographic and land castrasal activities and improvement of the content of the training of specialists in geodesy and land surveying

Volume І(45), 2023, pp.72-81


1 Chernivtsi National University named after Yuryi Fedkovicha, 2, Kotsyubynskogo str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine, e-mail:, +380506604183
2 Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandery str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, e-mail:, +380322-58-27-19


Starting from the 80s of the last century, especially rapidly developing technical directions are based on the use of high-precision ground instruments, aerospace based systems and serve to obtain information about the earth’s surface, the outer space, the study of various processes and phenomena of living and non-living nature. The methods of processing this information on the basis of modern technologies of geodesy and cartography and those related to them: engineering geodesy, satellite geodesy, remote sensing, photogrammetry, cadastre of territories, land and real estate valuation differ both in different theoretical approaches and in the principles of practical implementation. The problem is the automatic storage, transformation and use of huge volumes of information in the solution of modern theoretical and thematic tasks. The proposed article presents the latest achievements that have become the achievement of the specified industries and which are already used and developed by the world’s leading firms and corporations. In many universities of the world, the works of scientists appear in which they analyze the field of modern knowledge related to geodesy and land management. The article mentions the rapid technological changes in the field of geodetic-cartographic and land-cadastral activities that have taken place during the last decades, which significantly affect the nature and content of the work that will be performed by future specialists in the field of geodesy and land management. The directions of development of geodetic and land management education in relation to the needs of the domestic and world market of engineering services are considered.


geoinformation systems; geodesy; remote sensing; land management; higher education; cartography; cadastre; real estate valuation..


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